Annual eye exams are critical to your health

Why Your Annual Eye Exam Is so Important for your eye health

The first Exhaustive eye exam should be done on children when they start school, even if they are not experiencing symptoms and do not show any signs that they are not seeing well. A child can not complain about poor vision, because at his age he may not realize he is not seeing well. Searching for lasik eye surgery Michigan can be challenging, a Michigan eye surgery specialist at the Yaldo Eye center can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about lasik.

There are patients who come for the first time to an eye examination at age 35 and have a completely unusable eye due to untreated amblyopia, an eye disorder that prevents vision from developing properly during the first years of childhood.

This is an example of why it is imperative to start undergoing eye examinations as a child and continue throughout the school years and into adulthood, even if no visual symptoms are experienced. Another example is a person who has glaucoma. Glaucoma may not have symptoms until the vision is completely lost. An early diagnosis considerably improves the prognosis of this disease.

Annual eye exams are critical to your health

Anyone who begins to experience vision difficulties, either while using a computer or reading a book, should undergo an eye exam. An adult without vision problems should undergo a comprehensive eye exam every two years even if they have not experienced any visual symptoms. Adults who wear glasses or contact lenses or who have a problem with their eyes should have an eye exam annually.

A patient who has a systemic problem that can affect the eyes, such as diabetes, inflammatory disease, or uncontrolled hypertension, should undergo an eye exam every year. Sometimes, diabetics need to control their eyes more than once a year, perhaps two or three times a year, depending on the control of their blood sugar levels.

What kind of tests includes a complete eye exam?

A comprehensive eye exam is made up of many different tests. The first step is to do a good interrogation to create the clinical history: to determine which is the main condition and why the patient has come to undergo an eye examination. Then, we perform two initial tests which consist of measurements of visual acuity. These tests require the patient to read letters from an eye chart attached to the wall (for distance vision) and a text from a sheet held in the hand (for near vision), both with and without glasses or lenses. Contact. If you or a loved one is searching for lasik eye surgery Michigan, look no further than the Yaldo eye center.

Annual eye exams are critical to your healthThen we will go to the objective part of the ocular examination, in which the ophthalmologist will obtain information that does not depend on the patient’s answers. For example, the doctor will examine the retina, the cornea, the eye movements (it is evaluated by having the patient follow the movement of an object with the eyes.) This ensures that the muscles related to the movement of the eyes and the parts of the brain that control those muscles work correctly), intraocular pressure (using a device called applanation tonometer just touch the surface of the eye and measures the pressure of the fluid inside the eye), pupillary reflexes (is checked by tracking the behavior of the pupil in response This tests how the individual pupil responds to light, and it ensures that both pupils respond to light in tandem), etc.

The ophthalmologist will examine the ocular structures through a biomicroscope, a device that has very bright lenses and lights through which the doctor looks to see the anterior, middle and posterior part of the eye. If necessary, the ophthalmologist can apply drops to the patient’s eye to dilate the pupils, which allows the ophthalmologist to evaluate not only the central part of the retina but also the peripheral area. Here at the Yaldo eye center, we are transparent about lasik eye surgery cost, speak with a Michigan laser eye surgery specialist at our clinic today!

Finally, the doctor will propose a therapeutic plan based on the findings obtained. For example, it may be necessary for the patient to wear glasses, or to undergo Michigan eye surgery.


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