Nutrition and diet guidelines for healthy vision

Nutrition and Diet guidelines for Healthy Vision in 2019

Nutrition and Diet guidelines for Healthy Vision in 2019 is very important to understand. Your diet defines how your body will work if you maintain a healthy diet, undoubtedly all bodily functions, including vision, will be in optimal conditions. While fads for a special diet and exercise regimens come and go, the foundation of proper medical care remains nutrition. While this premise applies to all aspects of your well-being, it is especially important for the health of your eyes. If you are searching for the best lasik eye surgery Michigan in 2018, look no further than the Yaldo Eye Center.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A is found in the cells of the retina (photosensitive tissue that allows vision). Vitamin A is essential in the formation of a compound called rhodopsin, whose decomposition by light allows the visual process. The deficiency of this vitamin can even cause total blindness. Without vitamin A we cannot see colors or distinguish. To find the best Ann arbor lasik eye surgery clinic, call the Yaldo Eye Center.

between light and darkness. Its antioxidant power prevents diseases, such as night blindness and cataracts. It also helps the eyes to overcome bacterial infections and repairs damaged cells.

Several studies indicate that vitamin A and, in specific cases, vitamin E can improve the symptoms of dry eye.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in a relatively high concentration in the aqueous humor of the eye, thanks to its antioxidant effect it protects the crystalline from the processes that can lead to opacification. Vitamin C also prevents the degeneration of connective tissue, prevents cell damage and helps eliminate waste products. This vitamin also accelerates the healing of diseases. Finding the best Lasik eye surgery Detroit can be difficult, here at the Yaldo Eye center, we are ready to help you now.

In diabetic diseases of the eye, vitamin C plays an essential role, since in these cases the need for vitamin C increases by up to 50%.

Vitamin C enhances the effect of vitamin E. Several studies have shown that the consumption of vitamin C for ten years or more, reduces the risk of cataracts by 60%.

Vitamin E

Thanks to its liposolubility, vitamin E exerts its antioxidant action on the fatty acids of cell membranes. This vitamin is found in a high concentration in the retina. By preventing the oxidation of cell membranes allows good nutrition and tissue regeneration. 

The intake of foods containing vitamin E decreases the risk of macular degeneration by 25%, according to the conclusions of the study AREDS (Age-Related Eye Disease Study).


The highest concentration of zinc in the body is found inside the eyes. It is thought that this mineral plays an important role in the metabolism of the retina. The ingestion of zinc supplements can be beneficial for eye health. In addition, this mineral helps vitamin A to function better. We can help you in your search for the leading lasik eye surgery Michigan clinic

When zinc levels are deficient, night blindness occurs, even though vitamin A levels are correct. Several studies have shown that zinc intake helps reduce the impact of AMD in some people. We are the leading laser eye surgery clinic in Michigan.


Nutrition and Diet guidelines for Healthy Vision in 2019Carotenoids are the pigments found in some vegetables, fruits and in the calendula. These protect the eye from the harmful effect of shortwave light. In the retina, we find two yellow carotenoids: lutein and ceaxanthin, which are known as macular pigments. Retinal carotenoids are not synthesized in the body, therefore they must be obtained from food or vitamin supplements. 

Lutein and ceaxanthin play an important role in the biochemical protection of the macula against the oxidative effect of free radicals and, therefore, it is essential when it comes to protecting the eye from age-related macular degeneration. Its function has also been proven in the strengthening of the immune system and in the protection against ultraviolet radiation. As the leading Michigan laser eye surgery clinic, we are dedicated to helping you.

Spinach is one of the biggest sources of lutein, the consumption of this vegetable five times a week reduces the risk of cataracts by almost 50%.

Omega-3 fatty acids

A study conducted at the Brigham Hospital in Boston reveals that the amount, type and proportion of essential fatty acids in the diet (Omega 3) play a key role in the prevention of dry eye syndrome in women. Instead, it has been postulated that another type of fatty acids (Omega 6) may increase the risk of suffering from this pathology. The consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids and the decrease in the intake of Omega 6 fatty acids allows to reduce the risk of ocular dryness by almost 70%.

Experts agree that a healthy diet with balanced and varied nutrition will work to provide these important nutrients and keep the eyes and body healthy and functioning as well as possible. We have the leading Michigan eye surgery practice that specializes in lasik eye surgery Michigan.

Below is a short list of foods that may be beneficial for the health of your vision

1) Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale

2) Vegetables like peppers, pumpkin, broccoli, and carrots

3) blue fish such as salmon and tuna

4) Protein sources such as nuts, beans, soy, and eggs

5) fruits like citrus and berries

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